Auditing Powershell

Auditing: Notify Manager Of Contractor Account Expiry

Notify manager of contractor Active Directory user account expiry via email and notify the service desk of any incomplete user accounts. I personally think that notifying employees/managers of accounts that are due to expire creates a better customer experience than that employee/contractor coming in one day and not being able to log in. With this […]

Auditing Powershell

Auditing: Format Active Directory Email Addresses

Perhaps this is just my own OCD but I think email addresses should all be formatted in the same way in active directory but inevitably some will put and others will put and all variations in between.  The below can be run to fix the formatting as you like it and will change […]

Auditing Powershell

Function: Internet Radio Control – Frontier Silicon

The below uses the PowerShell invoke web request cmdlet to control a Roberts Internet Radio using the Frontier Silicon API. I have tied this in with my home automation to turn the radio on and off as feedback what is playing.    

Auditing Powershell

Auditing: Report and Disable Inactive AD User Accounts

The below can be run as a scheduled task to detect and disable accounts that have not been used for a specified amount of days or for accounts which have never been used. Report outputs to a CSV and is displayed as follows:

Auditing Powershell

Auditing: Reset Passwords That Expire Today

The below can be run as a scheduled task to detect Active Directory User accounts that have passwords that expire today. Any objects where the password is due to expire today will automatically have the “Change password at next logon” ticked meaning that they wont suddenly lose connection to things such as mapped drives at […]

Auditing Powershell

Auditing: Report and Disable Inactive AD Computer Accounts

The below can be run as a scheduled task to detect and disable accounts that have not been used for a specified amount of days or for accounts which have never been used. Report outputs to a CSV and is displayed as follows:

Auditing Powershell

Auditing: Audit AD Groups

This script will perform AD group member auditing by fetching all AD Groups and their members and then email the owner of that group a list to be checked to ensure they are still correct. It utalises the Description field for the group name e.g Sales File Share or Sales Distribution Group and the MangedBy […]