Auditing Powershell

Function: Internet Radio Control – Frontier Silicon

The below uses the PowerShell invoke web request cmdlet to control a Roberts Internet Radio using the Frontier Silicon API. I have tied this in with my home automation to turn the radio on and off as feedback what is playing.



Session Created With Kitchen Radio

Kitchen Radio Switched On

Please Enter A Value Between 1 and 20: 3
Volume Set To 3 On Kitchen Radio

Volume Increased To 4 On Kitchen Radio

Volume Decreased To 3 On Kitchen Radio

Volume Muted On Kitchen Radio

Volume Unmuted On Kitchen Radio

Please Enter The Number Of The Mode You Wish To Select 0 = Internet Radio 1 = Spotify
3 = Music Player 4 = DAB Radio 5 = FM Radio 6 = AUX In : 1
Mode 1 Successfully Selected On Kitchen Radio

Pause Successful On Kitchen Radio

Play Successful On Kitchen Radio

Next Successful On Kitchen Radio

Previous Successful On Kitchen Radio

Please Enter The Number Of The Mode You Wish To Select 0 = Internet Radio 1 = Spotify
3 = Music Player 4 = DAB Radio 5 = FM Radio 6 = AUX In : 5
Mode 5 Successfully Selected On Kitchen Radio

Please enter the frequency eg.99400 = 96.40 MHz: 99400
Frequency Successfully Set On Kitchen Radio

Please Enter The Number In Which To Store The Preset 0-9: 5
Preset Set Successfully On Kitchen Radio

Please Enter The Number Of The Mode You Wish To Select 0 = Internet Radio 1 = Spotify
3 = Music Player 4 = DAB Radio 5 = FM Radio 6 = AUX In : 1
Mode 1 Successfully Selected On Kitchen Radio

Repeat Enabled On Kitchen Radio

Repeat Disabled On Kitchen Radio

Shuffle Enabled On Kitchen Radio

Shuffle Disabled On Kitchen Radio

Kitchen Radio Is Currently On

Kitchen Radio Is Playing

Pause Successful On Kitchen Radio

Kitchen Radio Is Paused

Play Successful On Kitchen Radio

Volume Set To 3 On Kitchen Radio

Now Playing On Kitchen Radio…




#Setting Up Session and fetching Session ID
Function New-FSRadioSession{
$Global:RadioIP = Read-Host "Please enter IP address of the Radio"
$Global:RadioPIN = Read-Host "Please enter the PIN of your radio (Default is 1234)"

[XML]$SessionRequest = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "http://$RadioIP/fsapi/CREATE_SESSION?pin=$RadioPIN"
if($SessionRequest -ne $null){
           $Global:SessionID = $SessionRequest.fsapiResponse.sessionId
           [XML]$FriendlyNameFetch = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "http://$RadioIP/fsapi/GET/$RadioPIN&sid=$SessionID"
           $Global:FriendlyName = $FriendlyNameFetch.fsapiResponse.value.c8_array
           Write-Host "Radio Session Created With $FriendlyName" -ForegroundColor Magenta
else{Write-Host "Could Not Create Radio Session" -ForegroundColor Red}

Function Set-FSRadioPowerOn{
[XML]$PowerOn = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "http://$RadioIP/fsapi/SET/netRemote.sys.power?pin=$RadioPIN&sid=$SessionID&value=1"
if($PowerOn.fsapiResponse.status -eq "FS_OK"){Write-Host "$FriendlyName Radio Switched On" -ForegroundColor Magenta}
else{Write-Host "Failed To Turn On $FriendlyName Radio" -ForegroundColor Red}

Function Set-FSRadioPowerOff{
[XML]$PowerOff = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "http://$RadioIP/fsapi/SET/netRemote.sys.power?pin=$RadioPIN&sid=$SessionID&value=0"
if($PowerOff.fsapiResponse.status -eq "FS_OK"){Write-Host "$FriendlyName Radio Switched Off" -ForegroundColor Magenta}
else{Write-Host "Failed To Turn Off $FriendlyName Radio" -ForegroundColor Red}

Function Set-FSRadioVolume{
$VolumeValue = Read-Host "Please Enter A Value Between 1 and 20"
[XML]$Volume = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "http://$RadioIP/fsapi/SET/$RadioPIN&sid=$SessionID&value=$VolumeValue"
if($Volume.fsapiResponse.status -eq "FS_OK"){Write-Host "Volume Set To $VolumeValue On $FriendlyName Radio" -ForegroundColor Magenta}
else{Write-Host "Failed To Set Volume To $VolumeValue On $FriendlyName Radio" -ForegroundColor Red}

Function Set-FSRadioVolumeStepUp{
[XML]$VolumeStepUpCurrentValue = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "http://$RadioIP/fsapi/GET/$RadioPIN&sid=$SessionID" 
$VolumeStepUpNewValue = [int]$VolumeStepUpCurrentValue.fsapiResponse.value.u8 + 1
[XML]$VolumeStepUp = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "http://$RadioIP/fsapi/SET/$RadioPIN&sid=$SessionID&value=$VolumeStepUpNewValue" 
if($VolumeStepUp.fsapiResponse.status -eq "FS_OK"){Write-Host "Volume Increased To $VolumeStepUpNewValue On $FriendlyName Radio" -ForegroundColor Magenta}
else{Write-Host "Failed To Increase Volume To $VolumeStepUpNewValue On $FriendlyName Radio" -ForegroundColor Red}

Function Set-FSRadioVolumeStepDown{
[XML]$VolumeStepDownCurrentValue = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "http://$RadioIP/fsapi/GET/$RadioPIN&sid=$SessionID" 
$VolumeStepDownNewValue = [int]$VolumeStepDownCurrentValue.fsapiResponse.value.u8 - 1
[XML]$VolumeStepDown = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "http://$RadioIP/fsapi/SET/$RadioPIN&sid=$SessionID&value=$VolumeStepDownNewValue" 
if($VolumeStepDown.fsapiResponse.status -eq "FS_OK"){Write-Host "Volume Decreased To $VolumeStepDownNewValue On $FriendlyName Radio" -ForegroundColor Magenta}
else{Write-Host "Failed To Decrease Volume To $VolumeStepDownNewValue On $FriendlyName Radio" -ForegroundColor Red}

Function Set-FSRadioMuteOn{
[XML]$MuteOn = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "http://$RadioIP/fsapi/SET/$RadioPIN&sid=$SessionID&value=1"
if($MuteOn.fsapiResponse.status -eq "FS_OK"){Write-Host "Volume Muted On $FriendlyName Radio" -ForegroundColor Magenta}
else{Write-Host "Failed To Mute Volume On $FriendlyName Radio" -ForegroundColor Red}

Function Set-FSRadioMuteOff{
[XML]$MuteOff = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "http://$RadioIP/fsapi/SET/$RadioPIN&sid=$SessionID&value=0"
if($MuteOff.fsapiResponse.status -eq "FS_OK"){Write-Host "Volume Unmuted On $FriendlyName Radio" -ForegroundColor Magenta}
else{Write-Host "Failed To Unmute Volume On $FriendlyName Radio" -ForegroundColor Red}

Function Set-FSRadioPlay{
[XML]$Play = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "http://$RadioIP/fsapi/SET/$RadioPIN&sid=$SessionID&value=1"
if($Play.fsapiResponse.status -eq "FS_OK"){Write-Host "Play Successful On $FriendlyName Radio" -ForegroundColor Magenta}
else{Write-Host "Play Unsuccessful On $FriendlyName Radio" -ForegroundColor Red}

Function Set-FSRadioPause{
[XML]$Pause = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "http://$RadioIP/fsapi/SET/$RadioPIN&sid=$SessionID&value=2"
if($Pause.fsapiResponse.status -eq "FS_OK"){Write-Host "Pause Successful On $FriendlyName Radio" -ForegroundColor Magenta}
else{Write-Host "Pause Unsuccessful On $FriendlyName Radio" -ForegroundColor Red}

Function Set-FSRadioNext{
[XML]$Next = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "http://$RadioIP/fsapi/SET/$RadioPIN&sid=$SessionID&value=3"
if($Next.fsapiResponse.status -eq "FS_OK"){Write-Host "Next Successful On $FriendlyName Radio" -ForegroundColor Magenta}
else{Write-Host "Next Unsuccessful On $FriendlyName Radio" -ForegroundColor Red}

Function Set-FSRadioPrevious{
[XML]$Previous = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "http://$RadioIP/fsapi/SET/$RadioPIN&sid=$SessionID&value=4"
if($Previous.fsapiResponse.status -eq "FS_OK"){Write-Host "Previous Successful On $FriendlyName Radio" -ForegroundColor Magenta}
else{Write-Host "Previous Unsuccessful On $FriendlyName Radio" -ForegroundColor Red}

Function Set-FSRadioMode{
$ModeNo = Read-Host "Please Enter The Number Of The Mode You Wish To Select 0 = Internet Radio` 1 = Spotify`
3 = Music Player` 4 = DAB Radio` 5 = FM Radio` 6 = AUX In` "
[XML]$Mode = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "http://$RadioIP/fsapi/SET/netRemote.sys.mode?pin=$RadioPIN&sid=$SessionID&value=$ModeNo"
if($Mode.fsapiResponse.status -eq "FS_OK"){Write-Host "Mode $ModeNo Successfully Selected On $FriendlyName Radio" -ForegroundColor Magenta}
else{Write-Host "Mode $ModeNo Was Unable To Be Selected On $FriendlyName Radio" -ForegroundColor Red}

Function Set-FSRadioFrequency{
$Frequency = Read-Host "Please enter the frequency eg.99400 = 96.40 MHz"
[XML]$Previous = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "http://$RadioIP/fsapi/SET/$RadioPIN&sid=$SessionID&value=$Frequency"
if($Previous.fsapiResponse.status -eq "FS_OK"){Write-Host "Frequency Successfully Set On $FriendlyName Radio" -ForegroundColor Magenta}
else{Write-Host "Frequency Was Unable To Be Set On $FriendlyName Radio" -ForegroundColor Red}

Function Set-FSRadioPreset{
$PresetNo = Read-Host "Please Enter The Number In Which To Store The Preset 0-9"
[XML]$Preset = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "http://$RadioIP/fsapi/SET/$RadioPIN&sid=$SessionID&value=$PresetNo"
if($Preset.fsapiResponse.status -eq "FS_OK"){Write-Host "Preset Set Successfully On $FriendlyName Radio" -ForegroundColor Magenta}
else{Write-Host "Preset Was Unable To Be Set On $FriendlyName Radio" -ForegroundColor Red}

Function Set-FSRadioRepeatOn{
[XML]$RepeatOn = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "http://$RadioIP/fsapi/SET/$RadioPIN&sid=$SessionID&value=1"
if($RepeatOn.fsapiResponse.status -eq "FS_OK"){Write-Host "Repeat Enabled On $FriendlyName Radio" -ForegroundColor Magenta}
else{Write-Host "Could Not Enable Repeat On $FriendlyName Radio" -ForegroundColor Red}

Function Set-FSRadioRepeatOff{
[XML]$RepeatOff = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "http://$RadioIP/fsapi/SET/$RadioPIN&sid=$SessionID&value=0"
if($RepeatOff.fsapiResponse.status -eq "FS_OK"){Write-Host "Repeat Disabled On $FriendlyName Radio" -ForegroundColor Magenta}
else{Write-Host "Could Not Disable Repeat On $FriendlyName Radio" -ForegroundColor Red}

Function Set-FSRadioShuffleOn{
[XML]$ShuffleOn = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "http://$RadioIP/fsapi/SET/$RadioPIN&sid=$SessionID&value=1"
if($ShuffleOn.fsapiResponse.status -eq "FS_OK"){Write-Host "Shuffle Enabled On $FriendlyName Radio" -ForegroundColor Magenta}
else{Write-Host "Could Not Enable Shuffle On $FriendlyName Radio" -ForegroundColor Red}

Function Set-FSRadioShuffleOff{
[XML]$ShuffleOff = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "http://$RadioIP/fsapi/SET/$RadioPIN&sid=$SessionID&value=0"
if($ShuffleOff.fsapiResponse.status -eq "FS_OK"){Write-Host "Shuffle Disabled On $FriendlyName Radio" -ForegroundColor Magenta}
else{Write-Host "Could Not Disable Repeat On $FriendlyName Radio" -ForegroundColor Red}


Function Get-FSRadioPowerStatus{
[XML]$PowerStatus = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "http://$RadioIP/fsapi/GET/netRemote.sys.power?pin=$RadioPIN&sid=$SessionID"
if($PowerStatus.fsapiResponse.value.u8 -eq "1"){Write-Host "$FriendlyName Radio Is Currently On" -ForegroundColor Magenta}
elseif($PowerStatus.fsapiResponse.value.u8 -eq "0"){Write-Host "$FriendlyName Radio Is Currently Off" -ForegroundColor Magenta}
else{Write-Host "Failed To Get $FriendlyName Radio Power Status" -ForegroundColor Red}

Function Get-FSRadioPlayStatus{
[XML]$PlayStatus = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "http://$RadioIP/fsapi/GET/$RadioPIN&sid=$SessionID"
if($PlayStatus.fsapiResponse.Status -eq "FS_OK"){
[int]$PlayStatus = $PlayStatus.fsapiResponse.value.u8
Switch ($PlayStatus) {
        0 {$PlayStatusResult = 'Stopped'}
        1 {$PlayStatusResult = 'Unknown'}
        2 {$PlayStatusResult = 'Playing'}
        3 {$PlayStatusResult = 'Paused'}
Write-Host "$FriendlyName Radio Is $PlayStatusResult" -ForegroundColor Magenta}
else{Write-Host "Failed To Get $FriendlyName Radio Play Status" -ForegroundColor Red}

Function Get-FSRadioVolume{
[XML]$Volume = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "http://$RadioIP/fsapi/GET/$RadioPIN&sid=$SessionID"
if($Volume.fsapiResponse.status -eq "FS_OK"){
$VolumeLevel = $Volume.fsapiresponse.value.u8
Write-Host "Volume Set To $VolumeLevel On $FriendlyName Radio" -ForegroundColor Magenta}
else{Write-Host "Failed To Get Volume From $FriendlyName Radio" -ForegroundColor Red}

Function Get-FSRadioNowPlaying{
    [XML]$Name = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "http://$RadioIP/fsapi/GET/$RadioPIN&sid=$SessionID"
    [XML]$Text = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "http://$RadioIP/fsapi/GET/$RadioPIN&sid=$SessionID"
    [XML]$Artist = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "http://$RadioIP/fsapi/GET/$RadioPIN&sid=$SessionID"
    [XML]$Album = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "http://$RadioIP/fsapi/GET/$RadioPIN&sid=$SessionID"
if($Name.fsapiResponse.status -eq "FS_OK"){
$NPName = $name.fsapiresponse.value.c8_array
$NPText = $Text.fsapiresponse.value.c8_array
$NPArtist = $Artist.fsapiresponse.value.c8_array
$NPAlbum = $Album.fsapiresponse.value.c8_array
Write-Host "Now Playing On $FriendlyName Radio...`n
    $NPname `n
    $NPText `n
    $NPArtist `n
    $NPAlbum `n
" -ForegroundColor Magenta}
else{Write-Host "Failed To Get Now Playing Information From $FriendlyName Radio" -ForegroundColor Red}

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